2012年4月13日 星期五

淼淼講英文 (兩歲)

淼爸媽一直堅持以全廣東語跟淼淼溝通,以免阻礙她在重要的幼童期語言發展。同時淼媽相信幫淼淼盡早打好母語根基,令她能流暢地表達所思所想,絶對有助淼淼舒發情緒及幫助黃金的 0-3 性格發展。

從淼淼的成長記錄,可以發現剛滿兩歲的淼淼廣東語表達已十分厲害 (應該在同齡中算是超前的一群),早在兩、三個月前,她已能拿著熟悉的故事書《鱷魚不擦牙》講故事給淼爸媽聽,近日更能將過去或即日發生的事覆述給不在場的第三者知道。由此,淼媽更能確定淼淼已穏固掌握母語,可以引入英語了。

其實淼媽之前亦有於物件認知時教淼淼英文生字,但不是跟她全英語對答,只是盡可能以英語句子作一句起、兩句止的教學,而淼淼大多是以 "YES" / "NO" 作回應。


( 場景: 淼媽在小狗屋中抽骨頭,要求淼淼以顏色作配對 )

Mama: Miu Miu, what's the color of this one?

Miu Miu: This is Blue! (Miu Miu 1st English sentence that we have ever heard!)

Mama: How about this one?

Miu Miu: Green

Mama: Then can you help Mama to match the bone on table?  Is this same color as this one or that one? (Pointing to two bones)

Miu Miu: Same as this one! (She did point the one closer to her)

Mama: Yes, this is correct!  How about this? (with a yellow bone on hand)

Miu Miu: The same! (Miu Miu matched the yellow with another one laying on table and then turned head to Papa).  Papa, Yellow, the same!

Mama: Yes, they are in pair.

Miu Miu: In Pair!

(Mama kept drewing but intentionally put the bone in and out from dog house)

Mama: Put it in, Take it out.  Put it in, Take it out..... (with corresponding motions)

Miu Miu (took the bone that Mama's holding and copied the motions): Put it in, Take it out.  Put it in, Take it out....

(Last round...only Red color bone was yet paired on table)

Mama: Miu Miu, can you guess what the color of bone inside the house?

Miu Miu: ........

Mama: Woud it be Red?  There is only one Red bone on table, which is not paired yet.

(Miu Miu put hand in and drew)

Miu Miu: Red!  This is Red!

1 則留言:

  1. 淼淼很會表達呢,叻叻,都很同意您的教學方式--先從一種語言著手,所以我現在都只跟阿b 用廣東話對答,但我又疑惑淼淼在什麼途經學會英文呢?
    [版主回覆04/14/2012 19:21:13]淼淼一星期上三天蒙特梭理課,兩位導師只會分別說英文或國語,所以她由一歲半開始都有定期接觸英語,可能有幫助。但因為她上的那個蒙課不可由家長陪伴,所以我亦不知道她的認知進度。
